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Move People Thoughtfully Down the Runway to Racial Justice

Having thoughtful, strategic conversations about race and racism is the only way for us to overcome the deep-seated biases embedded in our national psyche and start building support for the repair and healing we must do to get to a just world.


The racial justice runway gives you an incremental approach to navigating the critical conversations we must have both inside and outside our coalitions.


The racial justice runway is a unique approach to changing how people talk about — and move toward —racial healing and repair. Dr. Tiffany Manuel developed the runway based on her understanding and study of decades of research, knowledge, and practice about how people think and talk about race and what moves them to think differently.

Grow Your Skills Together

Six facilitated discussions are tailored to the real-world needs of your team, board or coalition. They'll leave with concrete next steps and ways to practice what they've learned.



Introduction to the racial justice runway and your role in it


Pull away from the gate Name the elephant in the room: race


Begin your taxi

Recognize racial power imbalances


Increase your acceleration
Support racial equity


Prepare for lift-off
Achieve racial justice


Build your action plan for justice

Confident Businessman


Alan Villatuya, Communications Officer, County of Santa Cruz - Housing for Health Division

The analogy of a runway to the thought process of racial equity…was so enlightening to me. I think so many of us get stuck at the gate or waiting to take off, and don't know how to make the next step of supporting or ensuring there is more equality in every area that affects us.

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