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The Practice of Strategic CaseMaking

Strategic CaseMaking™ is the framework of skills and strategies that leaders need to build and sustain lasting movements.


Skilled Strategic CaseMakers get transformational change done and keep going until everyone's lives are better - no exceptions.

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Components of Strategic CaseMaking


The Building Blocks of Your Case

This framework helps you and your movement partners get really clear about the fundamentals of your case for systems change: what are you doing, with who, and why?


The 10 Principles of Strategic CaseMaking

This framework gives you and your movement partners the skills and strategies to gather the long-term support of all different kinds of people for your transformative systems change work.


The Racial Justice Runway

This framework gives you and your partners a thoughtful approach to navigating  conversations about race and racism we must have both inside and outside our coalitions to get closer to justice.

Free Resources for CaseMakers

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